I studied Computer Science in Helsinki University
of Technology. I started my studies in September 1995. I graduated
October 2001. Majoring in Software Technique and minoring in
Telecommunications Venturing.
I'm also member of our Student organisation, The Data Guild. I was Culture Master
year 1996, Master of connections year 1997 and Vice President year
1997. I have also been president of few committees.
In summer 1997 I worked for Comptel
Oy. I continued working there as a part time worker during autumn
1997 and spring 1998. The work assignments included user interface and
software design, and implementation of a billing system. Work was done
in a PC environment using SASBase and SAS/AF tools.
Between May 20th 1998 and May 7th 1999 I worked for Stonesoft Oy as a designer in a
project to design and implement an Intelligent Telephone Network
Management system.
Between May 8th 1999 and 8th April 2001 I worked in Sonera SmartTrust as Security
Analyst.The assignment was to provide technical know-how and direction
to the development efforts in SmartTrust. The job included consulting
other employees in security issues (varying from cryptography to
physical security), product evaluations regarding engineering
practices, participating in designing of next generation products, and
prototyping potential designs.
Now I'm working for SSH Communications